“Demoniac frenzy, moping melancholy, And moon-struck madness.” -Milton The day is coming soon. It is kicking off heavy boots loosening the jugular knots uprooting itself from the sodden cement and roaring like a jaguar smelling blood. A trembling pledge tears through me A rag cloth will wipe screeching lines of chalk that once defined me No watch on my wrist, time has played it shots no malignant obligations, only vilipended shouts. Howl my ballistic soul out, let Zozobra burn pluck green-yellow fruits from serpentine vines thunder barefoot on sun-scorched concrete lie face down till puddles dissolve the acrid salts drink the quivering dew till dams threaten to burst then burst into a ballad-song , never mind the hush! drink in cold rivers as if born free make slurping noises at pompous ceremonies toss hair free to stream in the storm’s fury lie on the beach with midnight’s memories -a promise leading me to the snake pit where I truly can be me unfit for polite society. |
Amaranthine Canvas
The artist stains the walls with passion People stop to watch him bleed He blends his thoughts with a mental brush and dabbles with the colors of his inner swirls. A streak of anger runs through him And lo! a red river flows down the page He recalls a lily bloom amidst calm waters And there emerges a cool, watery glade . Sweat of hard work skids off his back descending in cascading waterfalls Scars of long lost loves come to life leaving traces of a broken harp. Spring beckons him to her floral lap as wild flowers burst upon his canvas. A blush of colour, a dab of paint. his work done as the artist throws whirlpools of colour into abandoned holes. filling the blanks which nature forgot or those smudged by human echoes. |
Reena PrasadReena Prasad loves reading, writing, listening to music and photography. Born and brought up in Odisha, with roots in Kerala, and presently settled in Sharjah, she has been writing since early school days. Poetry, for her, is a passion and a way of life.
Her poems have been published in the anthology Change, (Xpress publications), Indian Ruminations and Youth Ki Awaaz. |