Sneha Subramanian Kanta
Winter 2017 * Unmentioned Annotation There is a coarseness purer than human activity, beloved, The slovenliness in wide, amber tracks of dawn level upon the sky. The spots where I have screamed with and without noise fill with contempt over contemporary ages, the madmen and madwomen that did not register in the Renaissance clergy touch affections of which. The St. Bartholomew's massacre day is drawn over canvases as remnants elevate. There is a depth I have lit in this stoic isolation of large areas, beloved. All what cannot be defined and creates undefined, my beloved, remain. * |
Sneha Subramanian Kanta is a poet, critic and writer. She has taught undergraduate students literature and has also been an Assistant Editor at Charnwood Arts, United Kingdom. Postcolonial literature and literary theory and criticism are her areas of research interest. You can write to her at